Workshop Attendees:
- Bring one or more trees to work on.
- Bring your own tools, if you can. Others may loan you theirs, but do not rely on them being available. And make sure you return all tools to their owners.
- Bring your own wire. Others may share their wire with you, but be mindful of their cost and always offer to pay them for the wire.
- Be ready to begin working when the workshop is scheduled to begin.
- Understand that the workshop leader needs to divide his/her attention across all the attendees, and do not keep him/her with you for too long at a time.
- Expect that if you arrive late or leave early that you will get less time with the guest artist/workshop leader than if you attend the whole workshop.
- If you might need something to eat, make sure to bring something for yourself. Even better, bring something to share with others. Hosts sometimes have food available, but do not rely on this being the case.
- Clean up after yourself. This includes any garbage, any cuttings from your tree(s) and any pieces of wire. Do not leave little pieces of wire on a table or the ground, as they can hurt people's feet and damage lawnmowers. If needed, ask the host what s/he would like you to do with your wire.
- Be mindful of the fact that you are a guest at the host's home -- who receives no recompense for their hosting. Help to clean up at the end of the workshop.
- Assume a learning stance. Try to be gracious and generous with others.
- Pay for the workshop before you leave. If you reserved a spot but did not attend, you still must pay the club for your spot.
Workshop Auditors:
- Be mindful of the fact that you are auditing and not attending the workshop.
- Do not bring trees to work on.
- Do not engage the guest artist/workshop leader in conversation or ask him/her any questions, as his/her time is being paid for by the attendees. However, feel free to listen in as closely as you want.
- Feel free to speak with attendees and/or ask them questions, but try to be aware whether they would rather focus on working on their tree without participating in conversation.
- If you might need something to eat, make sure to bring something for yourself. Even better, bring something to share with other attendees. Hosts sometimes have food available, but do not rely on this being the case.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Be mindful of the fact that you are a guest at the host's home -- who receives no recompense for their hosting. Help to clean up at the end of the workshop.